After the tragic terrorist attacks on the Twin Towers 9/11, a wedding photograph was found in among the rubble by a passer by. The photo was then given to a lady called Elizabeth Stringer Keefe who decided she wanted to see if the people in the photo were still alive so she could reunite them with their precious momory.

She turned to social media and Tweeted the below Tweet. This was her second attempt after little interest on her first. On this attempt however, the tweent went viral and received over 60k retweets.

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To her joy and surprise she soon received a reply from a man called Fred Mahe, a Colorado resident who used to live in Manhattan.

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She found out that the couple in the photo were indeed alive and well and were living in California.

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After a few more conversations Keefe was able to confirm that all the other people in the photo were also alive and well.

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Mr Mahe then turned to Twitter to confirm he was the man on the photo and that it had been on his desk in the World Trade Centre Tower 2.

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Elizabeth has now posted the photo back to its rightful owner.