You probably won’t have seen this type of luck before! This incredible CCTV footage shows a man who is struck by lightning… Twice!

The chances of being hit by a lighting bold just once in a give year are around 1 in 700,000. However, the chance of being struck twice in such a short space of time are practically unmeasurable.

Scroll down to see the video.The YouTube video shows a young couple walking down the quiet road. A few seconds later a jogger comes into view. The jogger is zapped by a bolt of lightning and falls to the ground. He remains lifeless on the ground for just a few seconds, we then see then him gain conciousness, slowly get back on his feet and stumble down the road. He leave a black mark on the road, possibly tarmac, maybe even blood. Only a few feet away from when he was struck, he is hit by lightning a second time. Again, he falls to the ground and is lifeless for a few seconds before getting back on his feet.

You might be surprised to read that only around 10% of people who are struck by lightning actually die, usually because the lightning has stopped their heart and/or breathing. The survivors of a lightning bolt cannot usually remember the moments before it struck and they can suffer from minor burns.