Ōkunohima is a small, ferry-accessible island in the Sea of Japan. Its role during World War II was key for Japan as it was the home of poisonous gas production. Much of the chemical warfare carried out in main land China stemmed from what was produced in Ōkunohima.
Image Source: viralnovaRuins of a gas production plant
Image Source: viralnovaThe structure that used to house the power supply for the factory now stands empty.
Image Source: viralnovaThis museum opened in 1988 to inform others about the role of poisonous gas during the War.
Image Source: viralnovaBut what is this? It’s not every day that a bunny Wabbit and a Tori gate share a camera frame!
Image Source: viralnovaAnd where ever there is one or two bunnies, you know there are whole bunch more!
Image Source: viralnovaLot ‘o Wabbits! The culprit?
Image Source: viralnovaStudents released (only) 8 bunnies on the island in 1971…
Image Source: viralnovaDoing what rabbits do, the 7,500 square foot island now houses over 300 floppy-eared friends.
Image Source: viralnovaSo the place where death-inducing poison was created is now home to loads of life-giving bunnies.
Image Source: viralnovaTourists flock each year to “Rabbit Island”
Image Source: viralnovaLooks like they are making friends!
Image Source: viralnovaAnd getting a little meal too!