Bruce Willis’ stunt double literally fell down the elevator shaft in Die Hard

One thrilling moment in Die Hard sees Bruce Willis’ John McClane precariously climb down an elevator shaft hanging off the strap of a machine gun, which then snaps and causes him to fall. Originally, McClane was meant to successfully climb down, but the stuntman fell for real (it wasn’t as far down as it looks), and it was decided this made the scene more exciting.

Jennifer Grey’s laugh and Patrick Swayze’s irritation are real in Dirty Dancing

A practice montage in Dirty Dancing sees Jennifer Grey’s Baby burst out laughing when Patrick Swayze’s Johnny runs his finger over her armpit as part of the dance routine. This was unplanned. Grey genuinely laughed because she was ticklish, and the tired frustration we see on Swayze’s face is also completely real.

Leonardo DiCaprio is really bleeding in Django Unchained

Leonardo DiCaprio gives probably his scariest performance in Django Unchained as Calvin Candie, and one of the film’s most sinister moments comes when Candie slams his hand down on a table, smashing a glass and cutting himself. What makes this all the more chilling is that it was completely unintentional; DiCaprio really did cut himself, but refused to break character and continued the scene.

Martin Sheen drunkenly smashes a mirror for real in Apocalypse Now

Early on in Vietnam war epic Apocalypse Now, we see Martin Sheen’s Captain Benjamin Willard drunkenly breaking down in his Saigon hotel room. Sheen, who was going through personal troubles of his own at the time, was indeed drunk for real whilst shooting this scene, and the moment where he punches a mirror and breaks it really happened, and was entirely unplanned.

Jane Russell wasn’t meant to fall in the pool in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes

In Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, Jane Russell performs the final moments of musical number Ain’t There Anyone Here for Love? by the side of a swimming pool, where she crouches down as a succession of men dive over her. One of these men accidentally clipped Russell, pushing her into the water. The filmmakers liked this so much they incorporated it into the scene’s choreography.

Ben Stiller genuinely forgot his line in Zoolander’s “But why male models?” scene

The title character Zoolander is a bit dim, as demonstrated when – following a lengthy explanation from David Duchovny of a nefarious plot involving male models – he asks a second time, “But why male models?” As in-character as this seems, it wasn’t planned. Ben Stiller repeated the line as he’d forgotten what he was meant to say, and Duchovny’s bewildered “Are you serious?” response was ad-libbed.

Cary Elwes really is knocked out by Christopher Guest in The Princess Bride

In The Princess Bride, when Cary Elwes’ Westley meets Christopher Guest’s Count Rugen, the villain ends up knocking him cold by bashing him on the head with the hilt of his sword. This scene played out a lot more real than intended. Elwes told Guest to hit him for real, and with the sword heavier than either man realised, Elwes was genuinely knocked out.

Joaquin Phoenix really smashes a toilet in The Master

In The Master, when Joaquin Phoenix’s Freddie is thrown in a jail cell alongside Philip Seymour Hoffman’s Lancaster Dodd, he throws a huge tantrum, in the course of which he kicks and smashes the toilet. This wasn’t meant to happen: it was a genuine vintage porcelain toilet, not a prop, and Phoenix had not meant to break it.

The Usual Suspects cast are really laughing in the line-up scene

In the iconic line-up scene of The Usual Suspects, the five central criminals find it difficult to keep a straight face. The scene wasn’t originally meant to play out this way, but the actors were genuinely struggling not to burst out laughing, in large part because Benicio del Toro couldn’t stop breaking wind.

Forest Whitaker really falls down a hill in Platoon

When we first seen Forest Whitaker’s Big Harold in the opening moments of Vietnam war drama Platoon, he slips and falls down a hill. This was a genuine accident: Whitaker hadn’t been directed to fall. Director Oliver Stone chose to keep it in the film, feeling it added a dash of reality, as such mishaps could genuinely happen during warfare in such treacherous terrain.

Ruben Rabasa really did confuse Ant-Man for Spider-Man

The Marvel Cinematic Universe has become so large, it’s forgivable if you get confused as to who is playing who; less so if you forget who the main character of the movie you are acting in is. This is what happened to Ruben Rabasa, who played a cafe worker in Ant-Man and The Wasp and shouted, “Thank you Spider-Man” as Paul Rudd’s Ant-Man walks out the door. The comedic error was kept in the film.

Bill Murray wasn’t meant to slip on spilled water in Scrooged

After Bill Murray’s character in Scrooged threw water over the waiter, he was supposed to confidently walk out of the room. Murray wasn’t meant to fall in the comical, cartoonish way he did. Thankfully, he was unhurt, and the directors found the fall so funny that they kept it in the final cut of the movie.

Maria wasn’t meant to trip in The Sound of Music

During the song I Have Confidence in the Sound of Music, Maria stumbles as she walks briskly along the gravel, almost dropping a guitar and a bag full of items on the floor. She styled it out perfectly, in a way that looked intentional. The irony of the stumble while performing a song about confidence meant the directors couldn’t help but leave it in the final edit.

Chris Pratt didn’t mean to drop the orb in Guardians of the Galaxy

Chris Pratt’s comedic demeanor means that he can use mistakes to his advantage as part of his bumbling character. One of these mistakes was dropping an orb in Guardians of the Galaxy while playing the role of Star-Lord. He quickly caught it on its way down, and while the scene was straightforward enough to be reshot, the directors decided that the little error added a little bit extra to the scene.

Cigarette ash accidentally hit McManus in The Usual Suspects

Usual Suspects director Bryan Singer wasn’t afraid to keep errors in the movie, including one of his cast members almost being blinded. Stephen Baldwin’s reaction to having a real cigarette flung in his face by Redfoot actor Peter Greene was completely genuine, and the shot ended up being kept in the movie.

Dustin Hoffman’s fart in Rain Man was unscripted

Being stuck inside the closed confines of a phone booth when someone has let rip is one of the last places anyone would choose to be. Unfortunately for Tom Cruise, he had to endure Dustin Hoffman’s accidental fart while filming Rain Man. Both actors then proceeded to improvise their reactions, making for a great piece of cinema.

The crowd was supposed to cheer Chaucer’s speech in A Knight’s Tale

After Chaucer’s speech in A Knight’s Tale, the crowd of extras was meant to let out a large cheer the moment he had finished. However, shooting the movie in Prague meant that most of the extras couldn’t speak English, and didn’t realize that the speech was over. Supporting actor Mark Addy then sprung into action, starting the cheer himself. The directors saw the humor in the situation and kept it in the movie.

‘Adrian’ hesitated when kissing Rocky because Talia Shire was sick

Adrian’s hesitation to kiss Rocky looked so delicate and real that you’d naturally think it was pre-planned and rehearsed. However, Adrian’s actor Talia Shire was ill at the time of filming and didn’t want to make Sylvester Stallone sick, so she initially hung back on the kiss. The hesitation fit perfectly into the scene and was kept in the movie.

Lenny Montana’s character wasn’t meant to be anxious in The Godfather

Sometimes the persona of an actor can lead directors into rethinking parts of their movies. In the case of The Godfather, Lenny Montana was so nervous about acting with Marlon Brando, he was stuttering his words. This caused director Francis Ford Coppola to write anxiety into Montana’s character Luca Brasi, adding more depth and humanity to the role.

Terry wasn’t instructed to crash the scooter in American Graffiti

A thoroughly memorable moment in George Lucas’ American Graffiti is when Terry crashes his scooter into the wall. The crash wasn’t planned, yet its humor and awkwardness add a little something extra to the movie. Nothing much is made of it, and it has no significance going forward, but it was an amusing detail.

Patrick Fugit wanted to redo his lines in Almost Famous

Sometimes, actors will ask to retake a line again if they believe they can deliver it better. This was the case when Patrick Fugit, playing William, asks Kate Hudson to ask him again if he wants to go to Morrocco with her. After giving a much more excited answer the second time, Fugit would likely have expected them to cut the first attempt out. Instead, the entire exhange was left in, and made for really sweet viewing.

Al Pacino tripped over a trash can in Scent of a Woman

Al Pacino, known for being a method actor, was playing a blind, retired Colonel in Scent of a Woman. In a scene where he walks down a busy New York street, he accidentally tripped over a garbage can, falling to the floor in the process. In his bid for realism, Al Pacino had learned how to limit his vision while performing, which made the scene more realistic and more authentic.

The reflection of tears on Robert Blake’s face in In Cold Blood was pure luck

Some of the most creative, groundbreaking pieces of cinema stem from happy accidents. In the case of the 1967 film noir In Cold Blood, Robert Blake was standing by a window with a close-up shot of his face. The rain hitting the outside of the window reflected perfectly against Blake, making it look as though tears were running down his face. It was a great example of foreshadowing, even if totally accidental.

Jim Carrey was meant to throw everything off the table in The Grinch

When playing the Grinch, Jim Carrey was instructed to pull a tablecloth clean off a table, taking all of the contents with it. Instead, due to pure luck, and probably the laws of physics, Carrey yanked the tablecloth off, leaving everything on the table exactly in its place. The trick was too cool and too one-in-a-million to leave out of the film, so it was kept in.

The remote control car hitting Carolyn in American Beauty was an accident

Upon Carolyn’s return home in American Beauty, Kevin Spacey’s character Lester is sitting on the sofa controlling a remote control car. As Lester is facing away from the car, he can’t see which direction it is going. After crashing it into a wall, which completely changed its direction, he carried on driving it, straight into the legs of a helpless Carolyn.

The smashed guitar in Hateful Eight was not meant to be broken

An awful miscommunication led to the destruction of a 150-year-old guitar during the filming of Hateful Eight. During a brutal fight scene, Kurt Russell’s character takes a guitar and starts smashing it to pieces. He was unaware that the guitar was 150 years old, and the shock of his costars was evident. The moment was kept in the movie though, it was the least they could do.

The elephant in Big Fish was not meant to poop

Working with animals is always going to be unpredictable, as Ewan McGregor found out when filming Big Fish. During the scene where McGregor is cleaning out the elephant enclosure at the circus, the camera operators had to act quickly to zoom the cameras out enough to capture the very natural moment. The director believed that it perfectly contrasted the mood of McGregor’s character.

Channing Tatum head-butting a mirror in Foxcatcher wasn’t scripted

One of Channing Tatum’s finest performances came when he was filming Foxcatcher. Portraying wrestler Mark Schultz, Tatum was filming a scene where Schultz has a nervous breakdown, and began violently smashing his head against a mirror. The mirror shattered and Tatum picked up minor injuries. The most surprising thing was, this was just a spur-of-the-moment, unscripted piece of acting from Tatum.

Alvy sneezing all the ‘white powder’ away in Annie Hall was a happy accident

The movie Annie Hall contained a scene where the group sat around some expensive, and highly illegal, white powder. Woody Allen’s Alvy, the type of guy that wouldn’t usually hang around such atrocious substances, sneezed into it, sending it all up in a cloud. This sneeze wasn’t intentional or scripted but was deemed to be so in character for Alvy that the directors kept it in the movie.

Leonardo DiCaprio messed up his lines in Titanic

Even those acting at the highest level can be prone to the occasional error. During the scene in Titanic where Jack is drawing a nude Rose, Leo accidentally got the word couch mixed up with bed, and ended up saying, “Over on the bed, the couch”, rather than the intended, “Over on the couch”. James Cameron loved it, and it stayed in the movie.

The Jack Russell in The Mask wasn’t meant to bite the frisbee

In a scene where the main character Stanley tries to stuff illegally sourced cash into a closet, little Milo the Jack Russell jumps up at grabs onto a frisbee that Stanley has in his hand. At no point was this supposed to happen, but the way Milo held onto the frisbee with all his might was just too funny to cut out of the movie.

A Stormtrooper bumped their head in Star Wars: Episode IV

This is one of the iconic movie mistakes that remained in the final edit. While walking through a corridor, a Stormtrooper knocks their head on a low door ceiling. It is likely that the mistake was spotted, but it is a piece of genuine movie magic that was just too funny to leave out.

The helicopter crash in Attack of the Killer Tomatoes was a genuine accident

One of the scarier examples of movie mistakes making it into the edit came during filming for the parody film Attack of the Killer Tomatoes. The pilot operating the helicopter during an action scene lost control of his vehicle, crashing it to the ground and flipping it over. It burst into flames, but thankfully the pilot was able to escape. The scene was implemented heavily into the storyline, with the crew even filming added shots of the wreckage.

Toothless’ hesitation to touch Hiccup’s hand in How to Train Your Dragon was a software error

Toothless the dragon’s hesitation to touch the hand of the young character Hiccup in How to Train Your Dragon was an accident, brought on by a software error. If anything, the hesitation added tenderness and feel to the scene, both enhancing the emotion portrayed in the movie and saving the animation team a lot of time in having to rectify the error.

A crew member’s hand can be seen holding a dinosaur up in Jurassic Park

The CGI of today’s Jurassic Park movies means that the dinosaurs look even larger and more realistic than ever before. This technology wasn’t at the disposal of Steven Spielberg back in the early 90s, with models having to be used instead. During one scene, a crew member’s hand can be spotted trying to keep the dinosaur stable, slightly undermining the moment.

Timothy Dalton wasn’t meant to look into the camera in Hot Fuzz

One of the golden rules of acting is to never break the fourth wall by looking directly into the camera. However, when Timothy Dalton accidentally broke this rule in Hot Fuzz, director Edgar Wright decided to keep it in the film, even overdubbing a ka-ching sound effect to further double down on the error. Thankfully, the nature of the movie allows for moments like this to happen without ruining a take.

Tora! Tora! Tora! stunt actors were genuinely running for their lives

While filming the Pearl Harbor scene in Tora! Tora! Tora!, a plane unexpectedly exploded on set, causing panic among the stunt actors in the scene. The view of people running away from the destruction made for intense viewing, and added extra realism to an already manic scene. It turns out, the actors were genuinely fearful for their lives and were trying to get as far away from the wreckage as possible.

A lamp magically fixes itself in Spider-Man

When Peter Parker is playing around with his new-found powers in Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man, he attaches his web to a lamp, pulling it off a cabinet and breaking it. When Aunt May comes to check what all the commotion is about, the lamp magically fixes itself and returns to its position on top of the cabinet. It is a huge surprise that nobody in the editing process clocked this, but it makes for an interesting easter egg for eagle-eyed fans to find.

Blood wasn’t meant to splatter on the camera in Children of Men

Children of Men is full of long, one-take scenes, which can be time-consuming to film. In the crew’s last chance at filming a six-minute-long scene, a speck of blood splattered onto the camera lens. Director Alfonso Cuarón shouted cut the moment an explosion went off, so it was unheard, and the actors and crew carried on with the filming. Of course, in a violent scene, the appearance of blood only makes things more intense.

Don Corleone’s cat was not written into the script

It turns out, one of the most iconic scenes in movie history was never planned out. The cat that Marlon Brando was stroking while playing the stern-faced Don Corleone in The Godfather was a stray cat that director Francis Ford Coppola had spotted in the street and handed to Brando, who loved animals. The cat was more than happy to play along, and almost ruined takes by purring too loudly.

There are magic bullet holes in Pulp Fiction

In the scene where Samuel L. Jackson and John Travolta’s characters are retrieving a briefcase in Pulp Fiction, there are bullet holes in the walls. While it is a scene that involves plenty of shooting, the holes are on display before any of the shooting has actually taken place, making for a fun easter egg for Tarantino fans.

The street sweeper in Quantum of Solace isn’t actually sweeping

In Quantum of Solace, Daniel Craig’s second outing as James Bond, there is an extra in the background playing the role of a street sweeper. You can tell that he hasn’t done any training to prepare for the role, as his brush never actually touches the ground. Thankfully, Daniel Craig’s charismatic depiction of Bond means that most people are unlikely to spot the error on first viewing.

Marty McFly plays an unreleased guitar in Back to the Future

When Marty McFly is standing in for the injured guitar player in Back to the Future, he plays a red Gibson ES-345, which was released in 1958. The scene is set three years prior, in 1955. He also generates a decent level of distortion from the guitar when playing his over-the-top guitar solo, even though distortion pedals weren’t invented until 1962.

Tran undergoes a quick costume change in The Fast and The Furious

In the race scene between Tran and Jesse in The Fast and The Furious, Tran is wearing a sleeved shirt. In a miraculous costume change, he somehow switches to a sleeveless tank top within seconds, before going on to win the race. It is well-documented that movies are seldom filmed chronologically, but it is still mind-blowing that this error was missed/ignored by directors.

Pippin’s handcuffs disappear briefly in The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers

When Pippin and Merry are captured by Orcs in The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, they are handcuffed and restrained. This is until a fight breaks out and Pippin is nearly run over by a horse. His hands magically release themselves, until they are re-restrained later on in the scene.

There’s a Starbucks in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

Creating a 100% accurate set is one of the challenges that comes with making a movie set in 1969, as Quentin Tarantino found out. Among a number of historical inaccuracies in his movie Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, there is a Starbucks that appears in various scenes. The very first Starbucks wasn’t opened until 1971. It was also opened in Seattle, the opposite side of the USA to LA, where the movie is set.

Dorothy’s red shoes turn black in The Wizard of Oz

The red shoes that Judy Garland wears while playing Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz are one of the most famous wardrobe items in the history of cinema. However, during a scene where Dorothy and the Scarecrow are being barraged with apples by a group of angry trees, Dorothy can be spotted wearing plain black shoes.

Dame Judi Dench’s character has a wedding ring on in Cats

A lot has been said about the movie adaptation of Cats, with many remarks centering around the awkward human-like appearances of the cats. These comments are backed up when you notice that Dame Judi Dench’s wedding ring was never edited out by the movie’s CGI team. It is very much visible on her human-like hands.

There is a car in Braveheart

Braveheart is a much-loved movie about the Scottish leader William Wallace. Set in the 13th century, the movie is known for its many historical inaccuracies, with characters and plot points heightened for dramatic effect. One inaccuracy that was not intended is the car that can be spotted in the background of a battle scene. Having done some extra research, we can confirm that there were no cars in the 13th century.

There is a plastic bottle on display in Little Women

In another case of a rogue item making its way onto a film set, a plastic reusable flask can be spotted next to Timothée Chalamet’s character in Greta Gerwig’s adaptation of Little Women. The movie is set in 1863, an era well and truly before plastic reusable flasks were invented. It remains a mystery as to how the flask ended up going unnoticed in the scene.

A gas canister is in the back of a chariot in Gladiator

Set in the year 180, Gladiator has gone down as one of the most beloved movies to depict Roman life. It isn’t free from historical inaccuracy though, as viewers picked up on the fact there was a gas canister hidden in the back of a chariot. Director Ridley Scott almost got away with it as it is semi-concealed by a cloud of dust.

Aubrey Woods’ character accidentally hits a girl in the face in Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory

Filming Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory seemed like a magical experience for the child actors involved, especially during the many musical numbers sung throughout. Well, it was for all but one of the children, who accidentally gets hit in the face with a countertop during a rendition of The Candy Man Can by Aubrey Woods’ character Bill.

A camera operator is visible in Bad Boys

Directors understandably try to hide any camera equipment from the audience in order to not ruin the magic of a scene. Unfortunately for director Rick Rosenthal, he failed to do so in 1983’s Bad Boys, with a camera operator and his assistant clearly visible during a fight scene. It is inconceivable to think that they didn’t spot this error during the editing process.

There is a fake baby in American Sniper

American Sniper is a great example of a movie made with copious amounts of research. From a locational standpoint to the way Bradley Cooper acts out the role of a sniper, the movie is almost flawless. Apart from the scene where Cooper’s character is interacting with a clearly plastic baby. He can even be seen moving the baby’s hand with his finger to inject some life into it.

A croissant turns into a pancake in Pretty Woman

When having breakfast in Pretty Woman, Julia Roberts’ character Vivian tucks into a croissant, only for it to transform itself into a pancake just moments later. To jump to Vivian’s defense, it was a crowded breakfast table full of food, but the transition between the croissant and the pancake can only be described as unnatural.

A woman drinks air out of a water fountain in Legally Blonde

Similar to the bad road sweeper in Quantum of Solace, the woman at the front of the queue for the water fountain in Legally Blonde only half gets her role right. She leans over, puts her head in the correct position to drink, but never presses the button to release any water. Whether she couldn’t get her head around the mechanics of a water fountain, or just wasn’t thirsty, we will never know.

Lilly James’ character graduates from a male-only college in Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again

At the beginning of Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again, Lily James’ character is seen graduating from New College, Oxford in the year 1979. Women were only accepted to study at New College in 1979, meaning the first women to graduate from the establishment would have done so in 1982 at the earliest.

The Scarecrow incorrectly recites Pythagoras’ Theorem in The Wizard of Oz

All the Scarecrow in Wizard of Oz ever dreamed about was having a brain, but when he finally gets one, he fails to use it to the standard he would expect from himself. In a haze of look-at-me-I-have-a-brain smugness, he decides to recite Pythagoras’ Theorem, only to get it wrong. Maybe the brain he inherited is more artsy than academic.

Jack went fishing on a lake that did not exist in Titanic

When talking to Rose about his home life in James Cameron’s Titanic, Jack mentions how he once went ice fishing with his father on Lake Wissota, a man-made lake that wasn’t built until 1917, five years after the Titanic sank. Maybe Jack had the ability to see into the future, or maybe the scriptwriters didn’t think through the lines that they had written.

Will Smith’s character in Hitch’s allergic reaction swaps to the other side of his face

An allergic reaction in the movie Hitch caused the right-hand side of Will Smith’s character Alex Hitchens’ face to swell up, leaving him looking, and no doubt feeling, very uncomfortable. Later on in the movie, the swelling moves to the left-hand side of his face, meaning there’s either been a second allergic reaction or a continuity error in the movie.

Legolas’ eyes change color from Hobbit movies to Lord of the Rings

They say that a person’s eyes never change throughout their life. That is not the case with Legolas, portrayed by Orlando Bloom. During the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings movies, Legolas’ eyes change from dark brown to light blue to dark blue. This is despite Peter Jackson directing all of the movies and paying intense attention to detail to replicate the magic of the books.

Harrison Ford accidentally punched Ryan Gosling while filming Blade Runner 2049

While acting out a fight scene in Blade Runner 2049 between Rick Deckard, played by Harrison Ford, and Officer K, played by Ryan Gosling, Ford accidentally hit Gosling in the face. Ford blamed on-set strobe lights as the reason he misjudged the punch that was kept in the final edit of the movie. The shock on Gosling’s face and the horror on Ford’s make for great viewing.

The timeline for Queen’s songs was off in Bohemian Rhapsody

Bohemian Rhapsody was a Freddie Mercury biopic full of artistic license and timeline holes. One of the errors made in the movie was the inclusion of Fat Bottomed Girls in Queen’s setlist on their inaugural tour in 1974. Fat Bottomed Girls wasn’t released until 1978, and likely wouldn’t have even been written in 1974.

James Bond’s car tires were screeching on gravel in Dr. No

The earlier James Bond movies such as Dr. No were full of special effects and sound overdubs that just wouldn’t work in the modern day. One of these sound effects was the intense screeching of Bond’s tires while he was driving on gravel. This may be a bit picky, but tires would not make a screeching sound unless they were on a solid surface such as tarmac.

There are lightbulbs in Gone With the Wind

Gone With the Wind was set in 1861 during the American Civil War. During a scene set in an Atlanta street, viewers can see lightbulbs placed inside lampposts. This is a historical blunder, as the lampposts would have been gas fixtures and the lightbulb wasn’t invented until 1879.

Reversed walker in Planes, Trains & Automobiles

The classic Thanksgiving movie Planes, Trains & Automobiles features a short scene focussing on a train pulling into a station. To get the shot right, the directors decided to reverse a clip of a train leaving the station instead. What they failed to notice was that there is a person walking in the shot. So, in the final edit of the movie, we see a person confidently walking backward down a platform.

There is a human visible in a turtle costume in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie was released in 1990, an era when special effects were a lot less special than they are today. This involved the turtles having to be played by actors in suits rather than edited into the scene. In one scene audiences can see the eyes of a human actor poking out the turtle’s mouth.

Dwayne Johnson’s character grows a goatee in the space of one Fast & Furious 6 scene

Towards the end of Fast & Furious 6, Dwayne Johnson’s character Luke Hobbs appears to grow a goatee and shave it off within the space of one chase scene. It is no doubt a massive continuity howler, but it does add some welcome interest to a Fast & Furious movie.

Newspaper spelling error in The Dark Knight Rises

Now, either the journalists in Gotham City are underqualified, or the person responsible for creating the newspaper in The Dark Knight Rises props team has made a terrible error. The headline reads, ‘Police suspect ‘cat’ burglar in jewel hiest’, rather than ‘jewel heist’. A schoolboy error, it must be said.

An extra was kicked by a horse in The Last Samurai

In a moment of light relief in The Last Samurai, Tom Cruise’s character Captain Nathan Algren dismounts a horse, which then freaks out and kicks one of the extras. Thankfully, the kick didn’t do much damage and the extra rushed back into position without complaint.