
I was totally confused when I first heard the words “Moss Art.” The concept seems pretty straight forward, right? People all over are now transforming those bare outer walls of their own homes into gardens of their own design. It’s super-easy to get started. All you need are:

  • 3 cups of moss (washed clean)
  • 2 cups of buttermilk or 2 cups of plain yogurt
  • 2 cups of water or beer
  • ½ teaspoon of sugar
  • Corn syrup (optional)
  • A blender you might not want to ever use for food again
  • A bucket (preferably one you use outside)
  • A paintbrush (or brushes, choose the width(s) necessary for your design)
  • A wall or surface where you would like your moss art to reside and grow
  • Spray bottle full of water (or hang on to your paintbrush)

Gather approximately 3 cups of moss. You might find it in a nursery or in your own back yard.


Rinse the moss as much as possible to get rid of any soil.


Break up the moss pieces and place in the blender.


To the blender, add either buttermilk or yogurt. Then add either water or beer. Blend mixture until smooth like paint.


If the mixture is too thin, add corn syrup a little at a time until it thickens.


Pour the blended mixture into a bucket.


Using a paintbrush or several brushes, create your desired design on the wall or surface. (You can write a message or “paint” a picture.”)


Once the application of the moss mix to the desired surface is complete, you will want to see how it is doing on a regular basis. You can use a spray bottle full of water to feed it if you live in dry climates. If you don’t have a bottle, feel free to use your paintbrush again with water over the design.


It may take a little while to grow, but it sure makes for great outside décor. Check out these designs!



This is a great activity for folks of all ages – enjoy and share!