If you are from outside the UK, you may not have heard about the Eurovision Song Contest. It is a singing competition held each year in which all the European countries compete against each other. The show is usually very glamorous and the songs are usually questionable in terms of their quality.

This years compassion saw the usual range of camp acts competing against each other, but when the entry from Austria got up to sing, the viewers were left a little shocked.

It turned out the singer is actually an Austrian cross dresser called Conchita Wurst. Conchita, is the alter ego of 25-year-old Thomas Neuwirth. This wasn’t the only shocker of the night however as Conchita actually delivered a sultry and stunning performance.


Her performance was actually so good that she won the whole competition. Scroll down to see the full performance for yourself.


Watch the video below to see and hear her performance of her song “Rise Like A Phoenix”.