Thank goodness these images don’t represent all girlfriends – but they sure do sum up ones you might want to consider putting back in the “friend box.” It’s likely that you will be able to identify with someone who is actually like this. If you run into a chick like any of these…run!!!
#1 When she has odd ideas on how to manage the competition
#2 When stress management becomes stressful
#3 Just before the storm…
#4 Ya know…pointing a finger at someone means three are pointing back at you. Now what were you saying?
#5 This line barely works on guys – you think it words on gals too?
#6 Run!
#7 Don’t put up with threats – take the pre-emptive strike and see what happens
#8 Best to let liars be with other liars. Move on.
#9 Another one…run!
#10 Better question might be: are you that insecure?
#11 Unbelievable…thank goodness most chicks aren’t like this!
#12 Go Dutch they said
#13 Change your number
#14 Takes 2 to tango
#15 Consider yourself deleted
#16 Someone probably smarter than you! Bye.
#17 Ahhh, I get it…anywhere YOU want!
#18 Enter at your own risk
#19 Tell her to have a dream with the apology in it – see how it goes!
#20 True statement
#21 So sue me – she was hot!
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