If you want to know your baby’s eyes colour check the picture below. It’s all down to science, which detemines what are the odds of your babys eye colour based on your eye colour and your partners eye colour.

For example:

1. If both parents are with brown eyes there is a 75% chance that their child will have brows-eyes.

2. If one of the parents has green eyes and the other one has brown eyes there is a 50% chance that their child will have brown-eyes.

3. If one parent has blue eyes and the other one has brown eyes there is a 50% chance that their child will be brown-eyed.

4. If both parents have green eyes there is a 75% chance their baby will have green-eyes.

5. If one of the parents has green eyes and the other one has blue eyes there is a 50% chance their child will be blue-eyed.

6. If both parents have blue eyes there is a 99% chance their child will have blue-eyes.

There is always a small chance science won’t stick to it’s own rules, but in general, the chart below works!
