The woman who proclaimed her true home was in Ancient Egypt

Born in London in 1904, British woman Dorothy Eady survived a fall down the stairs at three. Initially pronounced dead, she mystifyingly recovered, but dreams of a grand column-adorned edifice haunted her. At four, at the British Museum, she proclaimed Egypt as her “home.” Convinced of a past life, she began to identify as Bentreshyt, an orphan adopted by Kom el Sultan temple near Abydos. She relocated to Egypt in 1933.

The three year old who remembered being shot down at Iwo Jima

Credit: Goodyear FG-1D Corsair via Wikimedia Commons

At the age of two, James Leininger began waking up in distress, recounting an “airplane crash on fire.” At three, James detailed a past life flying a Corsair, downed by Japanese forces. His recollections included specifics like Natoma, as in the US Navy aircraft carrier The Natoma Bay. Strangely, his claim of being shot at Iwo Jima matched in detail the fate of fighter pilot James M. Huston Jr.

The man who shocked Petra officials with his knowledge of a place he had never visited before

English man Arthur Flowerdew, born 1906, dreamt of a desert city as a child. His visions came back to him later in life after watching a BBC documentary on the city of Petra, Jordan. The BBC filmed his story, and the Jordanian government offered him a visit to Petra, where he remarkably recognized and described landmarks in such detail that the Jordanian officials were dumbfounded.

The twins who remembered their late siblings’ toys from before they were born

In 1957, English twins Joanna and Jacqueline Pollock, aged eleven and six, met a tragic fate in a car crash. Their mother later welcomed identical twins Gillian and Jennifer in 1958. At age four, they recounted memories of playing at a specific school which they never attended, but their older sisters did. They also identified toys from their deceased siblings and, frighteningly, they developed an intense fear of cars.

The girl who remembered dying while giving birth to son she would later identify

Credit: Krystyna Grabelus Shaikh via Wikimedia Commons

In 1926, four year old Delhi-born Shanti Devi insisted her true home lay 90 miles away in Mathura, where her husband, Pandit Kedarnath Chaube, resided. She vividly recounted being wed and dying due to childbirth complications. Remarkably, Pandit Kedarnath Chaube was real, having lost his wife, Lugdi Bai, to childbirth complications. Shanti identified him and their supposed son, Navneet Lal, by sight.

The Turkish boy who identified as the man who haunted his mother’s pre-birth dreams

In 1950’s Turkey, Semih Tutusmus’s mother had a pre-birth dream about Selim Fesli, a man with a bloodied face. Eerily, Semih began identifying as Selim Fesli upon speaking. This was a man from a neighboring village who died from a gunshot to his right ear – coinciding with Semih’s deformed ear. At four, Semih visited Katibe, Selim’s widow, and asserted, “I am Selim, you are my wife, Katibe”.

The child who named his own murderer

Near the Syria-Israel border, a three-year-old recounted being killed in his past life with an ax wound to the head, one that matched a birthmark he had. He guided villagers to his body’s location, and beneath his indicated spot they unearthed a corpse – along with an ax. The child even identified the murderer, and his confession followed when confronted with the evidence.

The child who claimed he used to be a 1940’s Hollywood actor

In January 2018, media reported on Ryan, a 10-year-old from Oklahoma, USA, who claims to be the reincarnation of actor and agent Marty Martin. His past-life memories started at four, as claimed by his parents. In sessions with renowned child psychologists, Ryan accurately recounted over fifty details of the actor’s life, some confirmed true, including his birth date, which had been incorrectly recorded on official documents.

The man who expresses regret for his actions as former army captain

Undergoing regression therapy, blogger Topher Williams recalled being an army captain called James in the 1700s-1800s, winning land through battles and dying at age 72. He talked of his wife Esther. Under hypnosis, he confessed anguish about his life and the many lives he took. Post-research, Williams discovered Captain James Buxton, who matched his memories – receiving land for service, wed to Esther, and dying in 1817 at 72.

The boy who remembered changing his father’s diapers

At not even two years old, Vermont boy Sam Taylor told his father while having his diaper changed, “When I was your age, I used to change your diapers”. Sam seemed to recall being his late paternal grandfather. Growing up, he shared details he couldn’t have known. Later, with inherited photos, he consistently identified his grandfather as himself, even in a class picture featuring 16 children.