We’ve all seen/heard the news coverage about the recent disaster in the Philippines, the Red Cross says the devastating Typhoon Haiyan has created “absolute bedlam” as rescuers try to reach survivors. PLEASE donate SOMETHING to help the survivors. This may not seem real to us while it plays out as background noise on our flat screen TVs as we get on with out busy lives, but it is real, it’s all happening RIGHT NOW. Please, please donate what you can, even 10p! Real Men Don’t Lie to, Cheat on or Hit Women has 1.8 million fans, if we all see this and we all donate do something, imagine the difference we can make to some peoples lives!We have set up a Just giving Page here. At this moment in time 29,984 people saw the post, 147 people liked it, 3 people shared it and only 3 people have donated.

PLEASE help them.
