
Credit: Stefan Heinrich via Wikimedia Commons

The platypus is a semiaquatic egg-laying mammal with a duck-like bill, webbed feet, and a fur-covered body. The male platypus has sharp spurs on its hind feet and produces venom to cause pain, which is mainly utilised against other males. The platypus produces venom around the time it mates, adding to its already formidable arsenal of weapons. Human victims of platypus venom experience excruciating pain that even morphine can’t ease. Ouch!

Cone snail

Credit: Richard Ling via Wikimedia Commons

Cone snails are a group of predatory sea snails that come in a variety of sizes. Their colourful shells conceal their hunting technique: an elaborate venomous harpoon, or proboscis, that can deliver a paralyzing toxin. The cone first spreads its toxins through the water, and it is then absorbed by its prey’s gills. This causes them to become disorientated and enter a state of hypoglycaemic shock. The venom is strong enough to kill humans, making the cone snail one of the most venomous animals on Earth.

Komodo dragon

Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Komodo dragons are the world’s largest living reptiles. Native to five Indonesian islands, they can reach three meters in length and weigh 70 kilograms. Historically, the Komodo dragon was considered to be a non-venomous species; however, recent studies have questioned this classification. The Komodo dragons bite causes a large amount of bacteria to enter the animal’s circulation, causing rapid swelling and pain. This reaction is thought to be due in part to shock, but also because of this bacterial invasion. Their saliva contains more than 50 types of bacteria, including some that are highly toxic. However, if treated with powerful antibiotics, the bite is often not fatal.

Slow loris

Credit: Jmiksanek via Wikimedia Commons

Slow lorises are the only venomous primates. Videos of them raising their arms to be ‘tickled’ have gone viral online, but when a slow loris does this, it’s actually taking a defensive posture because it is accessing its brachial gland. By licking the gland, the animal can make its bite venomous. Sadly, the slow loris is frequently illegally traded as an exotic pet. To avoid being bitten by the animal, traders often remove its teeth. As a result, many slow lorises die from blood loss or infection.


Credit: Giles Gonthier via Wikimedia Commons

The American short-tailed shrew is a venomous mammal that looks like a mouse but has several features that distinguish it from its rodent counterparts. Their teeth feature grooves that allow the venom to flow out of the animal’s mouth. Shrews are thought to mainly use their venom to immobilise small insects and earthworms, which they prey on. By paralysing their prey, shrews can store food longer than if they killed it. Gross!

Hooded Pitohui

Credit: Benjamin Freeman via Wikimedia Commons

The Hooded Pitohui is one of three species in the pitohui family and is a small, colourful bird with a powerful beak and dark red eyes. Though all pitohuis are poisonous, some are more deadly than others. This is because they get batrachotoxin from the myeloid beetle larvae that they eat. Batrachotoxin is one of the most toxic substances ever discovered by science. The Hooded Pitohui is the deadliest of the three species and, when it encounters human skin, the toxin in its feathers causes a burning, tingling, painful sensation. A high enough dose can cause paralysis, cardiac arrest and death.


Credit: JJ Harrison via Wikimedia Commons

Female mosquitoes use a needle-thin and straw-like proboscis to pierce the skin of their victims, injecting blood thinners into the wound so they can drink their fill of blood. Mosquito saliva is a type of venom, but the red lump it causes is not a result of the venom itself. The body produces histamines in response to the saliva, causing blood vessels to swell and creating a lump. Although mosquito bites themselves are not particularly dangerous, mosquitoes can spread dangerous diseases such as malaria, yellow fever and dengue fever.

Tsetse fly

Credit: Alan R Walker via Wikimedia Commons

The tsetse fly, a tiny but dangerous insect found in Africa, can cause sleeping sickness (African trypanosomiasis) if it bites you. Symptoms include fever, fatigue, muscle aches and headaches. Over time the central nervous system is affected, which can cause psychiatric and sleep disorders, seizures and even comas. If not treated it can also cause death. You can reduce your risk of contracting African trypanosomiasis by avoiding brightly coloured clothing, sleeping in an air-conditioned room, and using insect repellent.

Blue-ringed octopus

The blue-ringed octopus is a small species of octopus that lives in shallow waters off southeastern Australia and Indonesia. It’s one of the most deadly animals in the sea, with venom in its saliva that is similar to that of a pufferfish. These shy creatures are common where people like to swim, which results in frequent human bites. The blue-ringed octopus delivers a bite so subtle that some victims don’t even realize they’ve been attacked. But pretty soon, the effects show: numbness, muscle weakness and trouble swallowing or breathing. If left untreated, the bites could lead to respiratory failure, paralysis, and death.


Credit: KaouroV via Wikimedia Commons

You probably know what a quail is. It’s the kind of bird that restaurants serve in fancy dishes. But did you know that during migration, quails are poisonous? In particular, they become toxic while flying certain routes. For example, quails aren’t poisonous when they fly from East Africa to Europe in springtime, but they are poisonous when they return to Africa in autumn. This is because, over the course of their journey, they consume high quantities of hemlock, which is highly toxic to humans and lingers in their bodies.


Credit: Sylke Rohrlach via Wikimedia

Nudibranchs are generally referred to as sea slugs, a nickname that doesn’t do justice to the vivid neon colours and striking patterns they often display. The soft-skinned molluscs are also able to repurpose the stinging cells of the jellyfish they eat, essentially stealing their powers for their own. As a result, touching a nudibranch is a bit like playing Russian roulette. Whilst some individuals are completely harmless, others can pack vicious stings and deadly toxins.

Cane toad

Credit: Froggydarb via Wikimedua

Poison dart frogs are often used as an example of aposematism, which is when animals display bright colours to warn that they are armed with lethal compounds. Not all poisonous animals broadcast their toxicity, however. Cane toads, a distant relative of poison dart frogs, are covered with bufotoxin, a deadly venom which can make humans incredibly ill and induce temporary blindness. Unfortunately, their pedestrian appearance often leads to people unwittingly picking them up, an increasingly frequent occurrence since the toads are currently experiencing a population explosion.

Pfeffer’s flamboyant cuttlefish

Credit: Jenny (JennyHuang) via Wikimedia

Pfeffer’s flamboyant cuttlefish truly live up to their name, with the chromatophores beneath their skin capable of producing dazzling displays of colour. As beautiful as these colour shows are, they’re actually a warning that should be heeded. Although they don’t have a way of using it offensively, the muscle tissue of Pfeffer’s flamboyant cuttlefish contains high levels of a toxin that is believed to be as lethal as the tetrodotoxin that makes the blue-ringed octopuses one of the most dangerous creatures in the sea.

Greenland shark

Credit: Hemming1952 via Wikimedia

One of the eeriest animals in existence, Greenland sharks can live for up to 500 years, and they spend most of this time in the gloomy depths of the ocean where sunlight doesn’t penetrate. Living that deep underwater comes with a number of challenges, notably the extreme cold. Greenland sharks cope with this by producing high levels of trimethylamine oxide, an organic compound which essentially acts as antifreeze and, as a byproduct, makes their flesh extremely toxic.


Credit: LazyDaisie via Wikimedia

Hedgehogs don’t naturally produce any venomous compounds, but they have been observed killing toads, biting open their poison glands and smearing the toxic contents over their protective spines. This highly complex behaviour is one of the only examples of an animal deliberately using another species’ venom to enhance its own defensive capabilities, and it suggests hedgehogs are much more intelligent than previously thought.

Iberian ribbed newt

Credit: David Perez via Wikimedia

The Iberian ribbed newt has one of the strangest defence mechanisms in the animal kingdom. Whilst the toxin secreting glands that cover the newt’s body aren’t particularly unusual, it’s the ribs from which the newt derives its name that make things weird. These ribs are covered in sharp spikes, and when an animal bites down on the newt the pressure causes these spikes to burst out of the amphibious reptile’s skin, through the poison glands and straight into the the inside of the unfortunate predator’s mouth.

Spur-winged Geese

Credit: Charles J. Sharp/Wikimedia

Geese are known for their menacing hiss and generally aggressive disposition, but for the most part they’re not dangerous to humans. That all changes, however, when it comes to the spur-winged goose. Native to sub-Saharan Africa, spur-winged geese often eat beetles containing cantharadin, and so the birds’ flesh becomes poisonous as a result. Unfortunately, there’s no way of telling if an individual goose is toxic until it’s eaten, and as little as ten milligrams of cantharadin is enough for a human to earn a date with the Reaper.

Garter snake

Credit: Trace Fleeman Garcia via Wikimedia

For a long time, it was believed that the most remarkable thing about garter snakes was the fact they were one of the few snake species to not pack any venom. Recent studies, however, have shown that garter snakes do in fact produce a neurotoxic venom, albeit in truly tiny quantities. Certain species of garter snake are also poisonous because they feed on newts, which themselves often have potent poisons, meaning that they often end up being the last meal of many unwitting animals.

Cinnabar moth

Credit: Charles J. Sharp via Wikimedia

Butterflies’ ugly cousins, moths are mostly known for loitering cluelessly around light sources after dark. While they typically rely on their camouflage to evade predators, a strategy that is rendered pretty ineffective by aforementioned light loitering, a few species have developed defensive poisons. Exhibit A is the cinnabar moth, which becomes poisonous after eating ragwort plants during their larval stage, and displays bright crimson patches on their wings to warn predators of their toxicity.


Eel meat is commonly found on menus around the world, so people are often surprised to learn that the snake-like fish’s blood is extremely poisonous to humans and other mammals. Even a small amount of eel blood is enough to kill an adult, thanks to toxic proteins that cause severe cramping in the heart. Fortunately, these proteins are destroyed by cooking, although you should be extremely careful if you’re planning to cook eel at home.

Blue-capped ifrit

Credit: guldfisken via Wikimedia

Much like the hooded pitohui, with which it shares its habitat, the blue-capped ifrit attains its lethal poison from its dietary choices, in this case, beetles from the Choresine genus. Although they aren’t born poisonous, blue-capped ifrits soon develop potent levels of homobatrachotoxin in their skin and feathers, meaning anything that is foolish enough to snack on one can look forward to an extremely unpleasant death.

Hawksbill sea turtle

Credit: DRVIP93 via Wikimedia

Turtles invested all of their evolutionary XP into developing one of the toughest shells in nature, meaning they didn’t have any leftovers to spend on other defensive mechanisms, such as poison. The hawksbill sea turtle, however, has found a clever workaround. By consuming toxic algae, sea sponges and jellyfish, hawksbills end up becoming potently toxic themselves, making their meat a death trap for any animals or humans that prey unwittingly on them.

Spanish fly

Credit: Muhammad Mahdi Karim via Wikimedia

Despite an admittedly confusing name, Spanish flies aren’t flies at all, as they are instead a type of blister beetle. This group of beetles are so named because of the potent cantharidin toxin they produce, which causes searing pain and severe blistering if it comes into contact with the skin. Cantharidin is also extremely poisonous if consumed, with even small amounts carrying the potential to relegate you to the past tense.

Comb star

Credit: Nick Hobgood via Wikimedia

A species of starfish, comb stars should probably be renamed death stars, for reasons that unfortunately have nothing to do with Star Wars. Comb star flesh is absolutely saturated with tetrodotoxin, an extraordinarily potent poison which showcases exactly how vicious Mother Nature can be when she wants. Tetrodotoxin kills by causing paralysis of the diaphragm, the thing you use to breathe, and there’s currently no antidote.

Striated surgeonfish

Credit: Diego Delso via Wikimedia

Another animal that gets its poison from its diet, striated surgeonfish often consume maitotoxin-producing dinoflagellates when they’re feeding on algae. Whilst the toxin is harmless to the fish, it builds up in their flesh and is responsible for around 50,000 human poisonings a year. The symptoms of maitotoxin poisoning are pretty much the same as food poisoning, which wouldn’t be that bad were it not for the fact that they can persist for years.

Puss caterpillar

It might look like an eyebrow that’s crawled off someone’s face, but the puss caterpillar is capable of inflicting a sting painful enough to send you into shock. The hairs that cover the caterpillar’s body are incredibly brittle and will shatter when touched, releasing a hefty dose of toxic venom. Stings are relatively common, largely because puss caterpillars have a penchant for entering homes, where they blend in perfectly with carpets and upholstery.


Credit: Cliff via Wikimedia

Catfish are already pretty terrifying, with reports of particularly large individuals drowning people in rivers, and the news that they are also venomous doesn’t make them any less frightening. Although their meat is safe to eat, catfish possess long, hollow fins capable of administering a potent dose of toxic proteins. Most catfish stings will result in severe pain and possible necrosis, but the striped eel catfish possesses enough venom to kill a human.

Cuban solenodon

Cuban solenodons are small, furry mammals with elongated snouts that live in Cuba’s mountainous forests. Sleeping during the day, solenodons emerge from their burrows at night to hunt insects, using their powerfully toxic saliva to immobilise their prey before consuming it. Whilst they don’t pack enough venom to take down a human, solenodon bites can still cause pain, swelling and respiratory depression.

Gila monster

Credit: Blueag9 via Wikimedia

The vast majority of lizard species lack venom, relying instead on speed and agility to catch their prey. As always, however, there’s an exception. Enter the Gila monster: a large, slow-moving reptile that can be found throughout Mexico and the Southern United States. Gila monsters produce a potent venom and their bites lead to pain that has been described as “hot lava flowing through your veins.” Ouch.


Credit: Alexander Vasenin via Wikimedia

Lionfish are a highly invasive species, and they have recently been staging a hostile takeover of the waters around Florida, increasing the risk of interactions with humans. The long, sharp spines that line a lionfish’s back contain a nasty toxin that’s similar to cobra venom. Whilst a sting is unlikely to directly kill an adult, the excruciating pain and muscle spasms can easily lead to drowning.

European mole

Credit: Muséum de Toulouse via Wikimedia

When you think of moles, the words “nightmarish killing machine” probably don’t come to mind. However, that’s because you’re not an earthworm. Mole saliva contains a toxin that paralyses worms, allowing the tunnelling mammals to store their prey alive for later consumption. Fortunately, the toxin has no effect on humans, with a mole bite likely to lead to some minor irritation and redness at worst.


Credit: walknboston via Flickr

The most venomous fish in the ocean is also one of the hardest a spot, a deadly combination that has led to many human deaths. Stonefish reside on the sea floor, staying perfectly still and taking advantage of their expert camouflage. This makes them nearly indistinguishable from a seaweed-covered rock, so they can snatch any prey that wanders too close. Unfortunately, this also makes them easy to step on, with the sharp spines on their backs delivering a dose of neurotoxin that can lead to death in as little as six hours.

African crested rat

African crested rats possess a large mane consisting of long, spongy hairs that the rodent erects when it feels threatened. Crested rats have been observed chewing the roots of the poison-arrow tree, which contains a lethal venom that tribesmen historically used to take down prey as large and powerful as elephants. The rats slather their manes in these same toxic compounds.

Giant silkworm moth caterpillar

By the time giant silkworm moths reach their final form they are completely harmless to humans. During their larval stage, however, they are bristly killing machines responsible for hundreds of deaths in the South American countries they call home. Silkworm moth caterpillars are covered with spiky, hollow tubes that can inject an extremely powerful toxin if the caterpillar is touched. Left untreated, this venom causes blood clots to form throughout the body, eventually resulting in hemorrhagic syndrome and death.


Credit: tiburones sharks via Wikimedia

When it comes to sharks, dogfish are definitely on the more diminutive end of the spectrum. What they lack in brawn, however, they make up for in venom. Dogfish have two spines, one in front of each dorsal fin, capable of delivering a toxic payload if unwittingly touched. Whilst the venom is too mild to kill a human, its effects, which include pain, swelling and itching, can persist for up to seven days after a sting.


A common delicacy and questionable aphrodisiac, oysters have been a prized ingredient for thousands of years. Like other bivalve molluscs, oysters filter nutrients out of the water, and this sometimes results in them consuming toxic algae that accumulates in their flesh. Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning is a condition caused by eating molluscs that have ingested high levels of these algal toxins, and it is characterised by vomiting, dizziness and muscle weakness. Unfortunately, the only way to find out if an oyster has been contaminated is to eat it.

Zebra longwing butterfly

Credit: Nosferattus via Wikimedia

There are a few species of poisonous butterfly, and most advertise their toxicity through bright, vivid colours. You could therefore easily assume that the monochromatic zebrawing lacks any sort of defensive toxins. That would be a mistake, however, especially if you’re one of the myriad predators that preys on them. Zebra longwings feed on pollen that contains cyanogenic glycosides, extremely toxic compounds that the butterflies store in their wings and abdomen, although some clever predators have learned to eat around the poisonous parts.

Flower urchin

Credit: Vincent C. Chen via Wikimedia

Compared to their intimidatingly spiky cousins, flower urchins look harmless. However, as is so often the case in nature, looks can be deceiving. Flower urchins are capable of delivering a lethal injection that contains at least two distinct toxins, simultaneously attacking the nervous and circulatory systems of anything foolish enough to touch them. Numerous fatalities have been recorded as a result of flower urchin stings, leading to the animal’s inclusion in the Guinness Book of World Records as the deadliest known species of urchin.

Brush bronzewing

Credit: JJ Harrison via Wikimedia

The most glamorous of all pigeons, brush bronzewings are also the deadliest, although admittedly that they don’t have much competition in either department. Bronzewings, which are native to Australia, are able to metabolise potent toxins found in the seeds of gastrolobium plants, making their flesh poisonous. Researchers’ suspicions about the birds’ toxicity were aroused after they noticed animals kept dying after eating them.

Monarch butterfly

Credit: Kenneth Dwain Harrelson via Wikimedia

Beautiful but deadly, monarch butterflies develop potent toxicity by feeding on milkweed plants as caterpillars, with a number of genetic mutations allowing them to process the poisonous compounds the plants produce. Whilst monarchs don’t contain enough poison to kill a human, or even make them ill, people who have tried to eat them after getting lost in the wilderness have described their taste as truly atrocious.


Credit: Dominik Stodulski via Wikimedia

Don’t let ladybugs’ cute and friendly image fool you: they are actually voracious predators with a toxic bite. Lady bugs are also poisonous, and although a human is likely to only experience mild digestive discomfort after eating one, other animals – including cats and dogs – can suffer much more serious effects.


Credit: NOAA Ocean Exploration via Flickr

It’s not hard to see how the toadfish got its name. These scaleless, bottom-dwelling fish are, to put it mildly, aesthetically challenged. What they lack in looks, however, they make up for in venom. Toadfish possess hollow, sharp spines that connect straight to their poison glands and are capable of delivering an extremely painful sting to anything unfortunate enough to accidentally step on one.


Credit: Nick Hobgood via Wikimedia

All species of squid, and possibly all species of cephalopod, produce venom which they use to immobilise and kill their prey. In the case of squid, they produce a potent neurotoxin which allows them to make short work of the crabs and fish they feed on. Thankfully, this toxin is perfectly safe for humans to eat, meaning you can tuck into calamari without fear.

Red warbler

Credit: Francesco Veronesi via Wikimedia

The red warbler is considered one of the most toxic birds in existence, with the coloration to match. The warbler’s crimson feathers serve as a warning to potential predators, and it’s no empty threat: neurotoxic alkaloids saturate the bird’s flesh, making it a very, very bad choice of snack.

Io moth caterpillar

Credit: Andy Reago & Chrissy McClarren via Wikimedia

Scientists still can’t work out exactly where in their bodies io moth caterpillars produce their defensive venom. There are no doubts, on the other hand, about its effects. These include swelling, itchiness, redness and excruciating pain. Fortunately, it isn’t powerful enough to kill a human, but the pain might just make you wish you were dead.

Wheel bug

A member of the assassin bug family (so named for their stealthy methods of dispatching with their prey), wheel bugs can deliver a vicious bite if they feel threatened. While their venom won’t end your existence, it will cause extreme pain at the site of the bite that can last for up to six months.

Velvet ant

Credit: Judy Gallagher via Wikimedia Commons

Despite their name (and appearance), velvet ants are technically wasps. This means that, unlike most true ants, they are venomous, with a vicious sting delivering what has been described as “life-changing, pray-for-death pain.” Fortunately, despite its severity, the agony from a velvet ant sting only lasts for around half an hour.

Maricopa harvester ants

Credit: April Nobile via Wikimedia Commons

The venom possessed by Maricopa harvester ants is believed to be some of the most potent in the animal kingdom, but fortunately each individual ant only possesses a small amount. That said, around 350 stings would be enough to send you to the choir eternal, so if you stumble onto a nest you might be in trouble.

Sea anemone

Credit: Anders Poulsen/Deep Blue via Wikimedia Commons

They might look like underwater plants, but sea anemones are actually animals, and some of them are capable of dishing out a nasty sting. A few species – such as the unremarkable-looking Actinodendron arboreum – even pack enough poison to kill a human, proving once and for all that you shouldn’t even think about entering the ocean unless you’ve already written your will.


Credit: Elias Levy via Wikimedia Commons

Rabbitfish (which, incidentally, look nothing like rabbits), are commonly found on the menus of seafood restaurants throughout Asia. However, while their flesh is safe to eat, they have to be handled with extreme care due to a row of dorsal spines which are capable of delivering potentially lethal toxins.

Browntail moth caterpillars

Credit: Noushka31 via Wikimedia

Browntail moth caterpillars are covered in poisonous hairs capable of causing a nasty reaction similar to poison ivy. Unfortunately, avoiding the caterpillars isn’t necessarily enough to prevent getting stung, as their hairs detach when they feel threatened and float on the breeze, meaning you can end up as collateral damage even if you’re miles away.


Credit: Canvasman21 via Wikimedia

So named because their eyes are located on the tops of their heads, stargazers lurk on the ocean floor in shallow waters, waiting for prey to swim past. This, combined with their highly effective camouflage, makes it incredibly easy to unwittingly step on one, which is less than ideal since stargazers come with venomous spines that deliver a payload powerful enough to send you into shock.

Mexican beaded lizard

Credit: Lachesis95 via Wikimedia Commons

Beaded lizards are popular pets throughout the world, despite the fact that they can deliver a venomous bite when provoked. While it won’t fast-track your funeral, a beaded lizard bite will still leave you nauseated, dizzy and in pain. In recent years, scientists have discovered that enzymes in bearded lizard venom can be used to create medications for treating diabetes.

Grey side-gilled sea slug

Credit: Nickwilso via Wikimedia Commons

A voracious carnivore that makes up for its lack of speed with sheer bloodlust, grey side-gilled sea slugs were discovered to be toxic after some dogs abruptly died immediately after eating them. As it turns out, the slugs produce high levels of tetrodotoxin, which means they would also probably be lethal to humans if ingested.

Lace monitor lizard

Credit: John5199 via Wikimedia Commons

Although not quite as menacing as their distant cousin the Komodo dragon, lace monitor lizards are still capable of growing to a very respectable two metres in length. Although these reptiles do produce venom, it’s not enough to cause lasting harm to a human, although it can lead to blood clotting issues in rare cases.


Credit: Nabokov via Wikimedia Commons

Weevers are capable of surviving buried in damp sand after the tide has gone out, which makes stings a relatively common occurrence. After stepping on a weever, victims can look forward to several hours of extreme pain, vomiting, weakness, abnormal heart rhythms and an increased urge to urinate. Severe cases have also been known to cause seizures and dangerous drops in blood pressure.

Little shrikethrush

An unremarkable-looking bird native to Australia, the little shrikethrush absorbs batrachotoxinin-A, an incredibly potent poison, from the insects it subsists on. The shrikethrush contains such high levels of this toxin that merely touching the bird can be enough to cause violent illness, and eating it is a surefire way to end up in the obituary section.

Cockatoo waspfish

Credit: Elias Levy via Wikimedia Commons

Cockatoo waspish derive their name from the protrusion that emerges from the top of their heads, which make them look a bit like a cockatoo. Don’t let their ridiculous appearance fool you, however. As the second half of their name implies, cockatoo waspfish can deliver extremely painful stings thanks to the venomous spines that cover their bodies.

Common toad

Credit: Iric via Wikimedia Commons

Common toads look harmless, but extreme care should be exercised when handling them. The toads’ skin is coated with bufotoxin, a potentially lethal poison that targets the heart and circulatory system. While an adult is unlikely to succumb to the effects of the toad’s toxins, it’s a different story with pets and small children.

Vampire bat

Credit: Ltshears via Wikimedia Commons

Vampire bats are sanguivores, which means they subsist on the blood of other animals. The bats operate at night, stealthily landing on sleeping creatures – including humans – and using sharp fangs to open a wound. In order to prevent blood clotting, and thus bringing their meal to a premature close, vampire bats produce a type of venom that inhibits coagulation, allowing them to drink their fill.

Moray eel

Credit: Philippe Guillaume via Wikimedia Commons

The mouth of a moray eel is lined with hundreds of needle-like teeth, each one coated with a slimy layer of toxin-laden mucous. For a long time scientists weren’t exactly sure whether the eels should be classed as poisonous or not, but studies have revealed that they do in fact produce venom, which explains why their bites are so excruciating.

Poison dart frog

Credit: Cliff via Wikimedia

It’s not exactly surprising that poison dart frogs are toxic; they literally have poison in their name, and they’re the classic example of aposematism. However, what’s more surprising is that the frogs don’t produce their toxins themselves. Instead, they sequester it from the beetles they eat, and dart frogs in captivity quickly lose their deadly poisons.

Tarantula hawk

Credit: Pavel Kirillov via Wikimedia Commons

It’s neither a tarantula nor a hawk, but rather a monstrous wasp that feeds on arachnids and packs one of the nastiest stings in the animal kingdom. Justin Schmidt, an entomologist and creator of the Schmidt Sting Index, rated the pain caused by the tarantula hawk’s venom at a four out of four, and stated that after being stung it was impossible to do anything “except scream.”

Brazilian wandering spider

Credit: Rodrigo Tetsuo Argenton via Wikimedia Commons

There is a popular misconception that the black widow is the most venomous spider in the world, and many are surprised to learn that this honor actually belongs to the Brazilian wandering spider. A large, fast and highly aggressive species, Brazilian wandering spiders can inflict a bite that leads to heart problems, intense pain and, for men, long-lasting, excruciating erections.


Credit: Insects Unlocked via Wikimedia Commons

There are few sights more magical than a field illuminated by fireflies, with the beetles achieving their trademark glow by combining a chemical called luciferin with enzymes in their stomach Considering their mastery of chemistry, it’s not surprising that fireflies have also developed potent defensive poisons, which protect them from predation by spiders, bats and other insects.

Yellow-spotted millipede

Credit: Kerry Wixted vía Wikimedia Commons

Unlike their aggressive, predatory cousins the centipedes, millipedes are slow-moving, timid vegetarians. But that doesn’t mean they aren’t dangerous. Millipedes have developed potent defensive poisons, with some, like the yellow-spotted millipede, producing cyanide, one of the most infamously toxic compounds on Earth. Even touching them can lead to blistering, swelling and searing pain.

Striped fang blenny

Credit: Jenny Huang via Wikimedia Commons

Striped fang blennys look completely harmless until they open their mouths and show off the large canines from which they get their name. In addition to looking intimidating, these teeth are capable of injecting an unusual venom that targets the brain’s opioid receptors, causing a significant drop in blood pressure and respiratory rate. Scientists are currently investigating the blenny’s venom in the hope of designing new painkillers.

Rough-skinned newt

Credit: The High Fin Sperm Whale via Wikimedia Commons

Native to North America, rough-skinned newts emit an acrid, pungent smell that should serve as a stark warning to anyone who gets close. The odor is caused by the potently neurotoxic tetrodotoxin which the newt produces, with at least one fatality recorded after a 29-year-old man ingested one in 1971.


More commonly known as ghost sharks due to their eery appearance, chimaeras dwell in the ocean’s inky depths, feeding off crustaceans and molluscs. Due to their relatively small size, chimaeras are a tempting target for larger sharks, which probably explains why they have evolved a sharp dorsal spine that connects to an internal poison gland.

Kissing bug

Credit: Gail Hampshire via Wikimedia Commons

The kissing bug might just be the most dangerous insect you’ve never heard of, with an estimated body count of over 12,000 a year. This is because they carry Chagas, an often fatal disease known for causing serious cardiac complications. The deadly illness is generally passed on to humans after a bite from the blood-sucking bugs, with most cases recorded in Latin American countries.