With 1st April right round the corner, we thought we would put some ideas together for you to play a few tricks on your friends and co-workers. I suppose I just need to warn you that if they come back and get you, we are not to blame lol.
Remember the main idea is to make sure they don’t get hurt and that it is just a bit of fun.
1. Cover their Keyboard and Mouse with Jelly.
2. Clear wrap round their car before they come out to go to work.
3. An oniony surprise when they take a bite of their toffee apple
4. Leave a little brown present on their chair.
5. Takes a long time to do but looks so good. Post it notes on their car.
6. Fill their office with balloons.
7. Decorate their office space with newspaper.. everywhere.
8. Orio’s filled with a minty treat.
9. A nice slimy surprise when they go to freshen their hands.
10. Not what you want after a morning trip to the toilet.
11. When they sit down they will get a bit of a wake up call.
12. Clear nail varnish on their soap.
13. You may get a telling off from the shop but its still a good one.
14. Replace their gadgets.
15. Zip tie and throw in a room.
16. Fancy a drink?
17. A little bit of paint in the morning will give them a nice rainbow
18. Air-horn behind the door
19. Plant some grass seeds in their keyboard and bingo