
Apr 17, 2024

These Are the Weirdest Cult Movies, According to IMDB

Sometimes movies are weird, and oftentimes films flagged as strange have little chance of mainstream or blockbuster success. Instead, they become cult movies; obscure titles who, whilst not large in number, have a passionate audience. IMDB has an in-depth list of ‘cult’ movies, which range from action films like Kathryn Bigelow’s Point Break, to traumatic horror films such as A Serbian Film. We’ve been through IMDB’s list with a fine-tooth comb, picking through the entries to find the weirdest, most peculiar titles. So read on and discover what the weirdest cult movies in existence are.

Mar 13, 2024

10 Awful Ways Your Pets Could Be Making You Sicker

For many of us, our pets are one of the great sources of pleasure in our life. There's nothing like coming home to an affectionate little furry friend, and plenty of studies have shown that this can reduce stress and improve your general sense of well-being. Unfortunately, pet ownership isn't for everyone, as there are plenty of potential drawbacks which, dependent on your situation, may mean that owning a pet will actually do you more harm than good. If any of the following things apply to you, we're sorry to say you may need to reconsider owning a pet.

Mar 13, 2024

25+ Actors Who Only Got Famous When They Were Older

For many actors, a stage and screen career was all they ever wanted to pursue in life. A great many of them start out as children and stay in the business for most, if not all of their lives. This is by no means the case for every actor out there, however. There are plenty of big name stars who don't find their calling until much later in life, instead starting out in more conventional, everyday careers earlier in life. However, once they catch the acting bug, they wind up reaching heights that most only dream of.

Mar 13, 2024

30 Movies That Ruined Real-Life Marriages

The movie industry has always had a knack for attracting beautiful people to appear before the cameras, often acting out stories in which romance ensues - so it's no great surprise that a whole lot of actual romances tend to break out on movie sets. Alas, there are plenty of times when the sparks start flying, even though one or both parties already have a significant other waiting at home. All the following films had a key role to play in bringing some of Hollywood's biggest fairytale love stories to an end - and in some cases, starting brand new ones.

Mar 13, 2024

30+ Movies You Need To Have Seen by the Time You're Forty

No one's tastes remain the same for their entire life. As a result, as you get older, you'll probably find that the way you relate to movies changes. Some films contain themes that you simply won't understand until you've reached a certain level of maturity, and films that previously would have been lost on you will suddenly become thought-provoking as you gain the life experience to understand them. By watching all the films on this list by the time you're 40, you'll ensure you have a broad base of cultural knowledge, which will help you continue to navigate the world.

Mar 13, 2024

25 Myths About the Human Body That Could Actually Damage Your Health

For much of human history, we have tried to understand the body in an attempt to cure diseases and prevent ailments. Unfortunately, the body is incredibly complicated, and we've got a lot wrong along the way. Many mistaken theories have eventually been disproved by modern science and medicine, but not before they've become firmly entrenched in the collective consciousness, where they continue to cause harm. From hidden heart attack symptoms, to misconceptions about nutrition, here are some of the most dangerous myths about the human body.